
Saturday, 13 July 2013

Spot the Difference

I did not want to do this so publicly but then I realised that if I did not I would do nothing about it.

In the picture where I have the purple top on I weigh just over a stone less than the picture of me with the white blouse on.  The skirt is the same, it was a little loose in the purple picture and is a little tight in the white top picture.

When I was a student I walked EVERYWHERE as I could not afford to get the bus most of the tiem.  I mean EVERYWHERE.  Including sometimes walking a really long way to get to work and most of the time I walked up a really steep hill because, well, I lived at the bottom of it.

I also ate, pretty much always, food cooked from scratch as takeaways and convenience food were luxuries I could not afford.  So I ate a lot of fresh vegetables from the market and a lot of quorn (it was cheaper than meat).  Sometimes at the weekend I would treat myself to a Chomp and a bottle of Irn Bru.

When I moved to London I started being VERY sedentary.  I used to commute for 3 hours a day and spent most of that sitting and reading.  I then sat down at work, and at work we had free biscuits, which I ate pretty much every day.  I ended up rigging my body to need sugar at about 11am and 4pm every day.  I started to gain weight.

I then took up climbing (hurrah!) and changed jobs (hurrah) and though there was a communal biscuit tin I dipped in less often.  My weight came down my confidence shot up and then I went through a massive break up.

Somewhere in that time I went from being okay as long as I was under X number of stone, to being X number of stone.  Then somewhere a little later I went from being okay if I was under X

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